

Invisible Asians: Korean American Adoptees, Asian American Experiences and Racial Exceptionalism.  (Rutgers University Press, 2016).

HERE: The First Portrait Book of Korean Adoptees Living in Minnesota. [As oral historian] Kim Dalros Jackson and Holly Heewon Lee with Jae Ran Kim and Wing Young Huie. (St. Paul: Yeong & Yeong, 2010).

Ph.D. Dissertation

“Korean Looks, American Eyes: Korean American Adotpees, Race, Culture and Nation.” University of Minnesota, Department of American Studies, December, 2009.

Journal Articles

“An Interview with Kim Park Nelson.” Adoption & Culture 9.1, 2021, pages 112-134.

Co-author, “‘Natural Born Aliens:’ Transnational Adoptees and U.S. Citizenship.” With Eleana Kim. Adoption & Culture. 7.2, 2019, pages 257-279.

“The Disability of Adoption: Adoptees in Disabling Societies.” Adoption Quarterly. DOI: 10.1080/10926755.2018.1526841 21 December, 2018.

“A Decade of Korean Adoption Studies.” Adoption & Culture. 6.2, 2018, pages 273-278.

Co-author, “Critical Adoption Studies: Conversation in Progress,” with Homans, Phelan, Ellerby, Walker, Balcom, Myers, Briggs, Callahan, Peña, Wesseling, Perreau, Curzon, Leighton, and Yngvesson.  Adoption & Culture. 6.1, 2018, pages 1-49.

“Reflections on Research: Kim Park Nelson and Eleana Kim in Dialogue about Korean Adoption Studies,” with Eleana Kim. Journal of Korean Adoption Studies 1, no. 1: 75-83 (2012).

“Comparing the ethnic identity and well-being of adopted Korean Americans with immigrant/U.S.-born Korean Americans and Korean international students,” with R.M. Lee, A.B. Yun, H.C. Yoo. Adoption Quarterly 13: 2-17 (2010).

‘Loss is more than sadness’: Reading Dissent in Transracial Adoption Melodrama in
The Language of Blood and First Person Plural.” Adoption and Culture: The Journal of the Alliance for the Study of Adoption, Identity and Kinship 1, no. 1 (2008).

“Periglacial Appalachia: Paleoclimatic Significance of Blockfield Elevation Gradients, Eastern U.S.A.,” with Frederick E. Nelson and Michael T. Walegur. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 18: 1-13 (2007).

Book Chapters

“Shared and Divergent Landscapes of Transnational Adoption and Critique: Newspaper Reporting and Transnational Adoption Interventions in Denmark and Minnesota.” with Lene Myong.  Invited contribution to the anthology Adoption & Discourses of Multiculturalism: Europe, the Americas and the Pacific edited by Tobias Hübinette, Indigo Willing, and Jenny Wills, University of Michigan Press, 2020.

“Korean Adoptee Return Migration to South Korea.” in Diasporic Returns to the Ethnic Homeland: The Korean Diaspora in Comparative Perspective ed. Takeyuki Gaku Tsuda and Changzoo Song. (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2018)

“Mapping Multiple Histories of Korean American Transnational Adoption,” in Contemporary Asian America: A Multidisciplinary Reader, Third Edition, ed. Min Zhou and Anthony Ocampo. (New York University Press, 2016.)

“Shopping for Children in the International Marketplace: The Economics of Transnational Adoption,” in Outsiders Within, ed. Jane Jeong Trenka, Chinyere Oparah, and Sun Yung Shin. (Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2006).

Conference Proceedings

Lead Editor, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies, with Tobias Hübinette, Eleana Kim, Kim Langrehr, Jennifer Kwon Dobbs and Lene Myong. (Seoul: International Korean Adoptee Associations (IKAA), 2010).

“‘Loss is More than Sadness:’ Reading Dissent in Transraical Adoption Melodrama in The Language of Blood and First Person Plural,” in Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies, ed. by Kim Park Nelson, with ith Tobias Hübinette, Eleana Kim, Kim Langrehr, Jennifer Kwon Dobbs and Lene Myong. (Seoul: International Korean Adoptee Associations (IKAA), 2010).

Lead Editor, Proceedings of the First International Korean Adoption Research Symposium, with Eleana Kim and Lene Myong Petersen. (Seoul: International Korean Adoptee Associations (IKAA), 2007).

Adoptees as ‘White’ Koreans: Identity, Racial Visibility and the Politics of Passing among Korean American Adoptees,” in Proceedings of the First International Korean Adoption Studies Research Symposium, ed. Kim Park Nelson, Eleana Kim, and Lene Myong Petersen. (Seoul: International Korean Adoptee Associations, 2007).

“Paleoclimatic implications of blockfield distribution in the Central Appalachians,” (as Kim Gregg), with Michael T. Walegur and Frederick E. Nelson, in Periglacial Features of Southern New Jersey. Hozik MJ, Mihalasky MJ (eds.) Geological Association of New Jersey, 20th Annual Meeting, October 10-11, Field Guide and Proceedings, Richard Stockton College, pp. 101-105, 2003.

Encyclopedia Entries

Korean Transnational Adoption in MinnesotaMNopedia: A Resource for Reliable Information about Significant People, Places, Events, and Things in Minnesota History. Minnesota Historical Society. (St. Paul, MN:  27 October, 2017).

“Culture Camps,” in The Praeger Handbook of Adoption (Volume 1), ed. Kathy Shepherd Stolley and Vern L. Bullough. (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2006).

Book Reviews

“The Best Possible Immigrants:  International Adoption and the American Family. By Rachel Rains Winslow.” Review.  Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, Volume 11.2 (2018).

“To Save the Children of Korea: The Cold War Origins of International Adoption. By Arissa Oh.” Review.  Journal of Asian Studies,Volume 76-4 (Winter 2017).

“Everybody Else: Adoption and the Politics of Domestic Diversity in Postwar America, by Sarah Potter.” Review. Journal of American History 102, no. 2 (Sept. 2015).

“The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking and the New Gospel of Adoption, by Kathryn Joyce.” Review. Adoption & Culture: The Journal of the Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture  4 (Spring 2014).

“What Does Social Justice in Transnational and Transracial Adoption Look Like? A Review of Reframing Transracial Adoption: Adopted Koreans, White Parents and the Politics of Kinship by Kristi Brian, and Somebody’s Children: The Politics of Transracial and Transnational Adoption by Laura Briggs.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, (Winter 2013).

Web-Based Publications

Assisted Suicide: Adoptee Perspectives and Miss Saigon. Gazillion Voices: Land of Gazillion Adoptees Magazine. 16 September, 2013.  Posted by permission of Gazillion Voices.

“Survey of Attendees of the 2010 International Korean Adoptee Associations Gathering of Korean Adoptees, August 4, 2010, Seoul, South Korea: an IKAA Report,” with Kimberly Langrehr and Nathan Bae Kupel. (Seoul: International Korean Adoptee Associations, 2013).

“Mapping Multiple Histories of Korean American Transnational Adoption.” Paper WPS 09-1 of the Working Paper Series for the U.S.-Korea Institute at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University. Available at

Government Reports

“Independent Summary Report of Korean Adoptee Survey.” With Eleana Kim. (Seoul: South Korean National Assembly, through the office of Assembly Member Jang Hyang Sook, 2005).