Invited Panel, “Adoptee Deportee: How Transnational Adoption Became an “Immigration Problem” at the University of Minnesota Immigration Research History Center. Video and program here.18 March, 2021.
Invited Lecture, “Multiculturalism in the Late Cold War: Korean Transracial Adoption in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s” at “An Orphan for You: The Rise of Korean Adoption in the 1970s and 80s” Conference, David Brower Center, Berkeley, CA. 22-23 February, 2020.
Invited Lecture, “Asian Adoption to the United States: Immigration Policy and History” Critical Ethnic/Race Studies in the Transpacific World Symposium, Meiji University, Tokyo, 27 July, 2019.
Invited Lecture, “‘Natural Born Aliens:’ Asian American Adoptees and Citizenship,” University of Minnesota Immigration History Research Center, 19 February, 2019.
Invited Lecture, “‘Natural Born Aliens:’ Asian American Adoptees and Citizenship,” with Eleana Kim. Women and Gender and Sexuality Studies Kinship in Times of Suspicious Citizenship Lecture Series. Yale University, New Haven, CT, 29 January, 2019.
Invited Participant. “Adoptees as White Koreans: Identity, Racial Visibility, and the Politics of Passing among Korean American Adoptees.” Designing Modern Families: International Perspectives on ‘Intercountry’ and Transracial Adoptions Conference, University of Kassel, Germany, 17-18 November, 2017.
Invited Lecture “Making Interventions in Adoption Research and History.” Tænketanken Adoption (Adoption Think Tank), Copenhagen, Denmark. 12 November, 2017.
Legacy Program Resident. Lake Agassiz Regional Library. Crookston, Detroit Lakes, and Moorhead, Minnesota. 1-2 November, 2017.
Invited Participant. “Adoption as Transmigration: Korean American Adoptee Cultures and Identities.” Global Koreans Convention, Seoul, 28 June, 2017.
Keynote Address. Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family Network Conference, Pittsburgh, 24 June, 2017.
“Korean Adoptee Birth Search, ‘Real Family’ and Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing.” Invited Lecture, University of California, Irvine, 7 November, 2016.
“Ten Years of Korean Adoption Studies.” Keynote address, Fourth International Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies. Seoul, South Korea, 27 July 2016.
“Immigration, Racial Visibility and International Adoption.” Conference on Democracy, Marin Academy, San Rafael, CA, 22 October 2015.
“Korea Adoption Histories in the Public Eye: American Newspaper Coverage of Korean Adoption from 1952-Present.” North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, 29 April 2014.
“Miss Saigon and 100 Years of Asian American Media Representations.” Marin Academy Literary Festival, San Rafael, CA, 2 February 2014.
“‘Where Are You From?’ Legal and Cultural Transnationalisms of Korean American Adoptees.” The Center for Children, Law and Ethics, Cumberland Law School at the Samford University, Birmingham, AL, 7 November 2013.
“Positions as a Korean American Adoption Ethnographer: Insider/ Outsider, Native Informant, Adoption Expert.” Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link (GOAL) Conference, A Model Nation? Overseas Adoption from South Korea, An International Perspective. Seoul, South Korea, 15 October, 2011.
“Korean Adoptee Memoir as Community Voice: Jane Jeong Trenka’s Language of Blood and Fugitive Visions.” Stanford University Department of English, Palo Alto, CA, 8 February 2010.
“Breaking Through the Fugue State: Korean Adoptee Interventions in Adoption Research.” Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link (GOAL) Annual Conference, Seoul, South Korea, 12 August 2006.
“Breaking Through the Fugue State: Korean Adoptee Interventions in Adoption Research.” Keynote address, Adopterade Koreaners Förening (Adopted Koreans’ Association of Sweden) International Conference, “Narrating the History of Korean Adoptees: The Adoptee Voice and Emerging Perspectives.” Stockholm, Sweden, 5 May 2006.
“Cultures of Korean American Adoption: National, Racial and Cultural Crossings.” Macalester College American Studies Colloquium Series, St. Paul, Minnesota, 28 March 2006.