Are you a UNION MEMBER OF COLOR in a union doing racial justice work?
I am interested in your experience of racial justice work in your union. I want to know what your union’s leadership has mapped to realize racial justice initiatives but I am equally interested in your experience as a rank-and-file member of color. How have the racial justice initiatives of your union impacted (or not) your everyday working conditions? Have you seen change in your time with your union? What has worked? What still needs work? Has any of this impacted your co-workers and populations you serve?
Should you agree to speak with me I can work within your availability to schedule either a zoom/phone or an in-person meeting. I anticipate these conversations to take about an hour. I hope that the information I collect will provide insight and strategies to be shared in a resource guide/toolkit for distribution to unions or union members interested in organizing around racial justice work.
Who am I?
My name is Kim Park Nelson and I am an Ethnic Studies professor and a 15-year member of my university faculty union where I have been a leader in my union’s efforts to create racial justice and inclusion. I have been awarded a leadership fellowship by a local foundation and am choosing to spend the year learning about racial justice-based solidarity organizing within US-based unions.
Contact me
If you have questions, or want to schedule a conversation, please feel free to contact me via email at I am happy to talk with you more about this project or my previous work.
If you’re interested in participating
Please use the form below: